His Urging for Us To Bring Teachings Into Practice

A lady came to meet Srila Gurudev while he was in Chandigarh. She requested to speak to him without others around. She told us she was very unhappy and was thinking about committing suicide. I told her that Gurudev would not like this and we gave her a chance to meet him. She was asked to stand in the end of the que for prasad and when her turn came, I told Guru Maharaj that this lady wanted to speak to him. She was very distressed and she told him, "My in-laws trouble me so much. They constantly curse me, and I want to die.

Gurudev then replied, "Did your in-laws push you from the hilltop? Did they push you in the fire?"

She responded,  "No Gurudeva.  They only speak these terrible things and I cannot bear it."

Srila Gurudev continued, "Prahlad Maharaj was troubled so much. He was pushed from a hilltop, drowned in the ocean, kicked by an elephant, pushed into a fire— still, he did not disrespect his father. By your karma, you have got such a husband. Do not blame him. Accept your wrong actions...

You have to see an adjustment in all situations and see Lord's mercy. How many years ago did you take Harinam? 12 years? Have you read about Dhruva and Prahlad?  Yes many times, but what's the use? You have not brought them into practice in your life.  Suniti says to Dhruva,  do not have hatred towards stepmother, it is the reaction of your own actions. Dhruva removes all hatred and ill feelings towards his stepmother and prays to Lord and gets his darshan."

-Sri Bhakti Vichar Vishnu Maharaj

transcribed from a lecture in Chandigarh 12/6/2015


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