He is Uttam Bhagavat Acarya

Other acaryas seemed to have demonstrated themselves as acaryas according to the demand of time, place, and circumstances. They sometimes had to be assertive and come down to the platform of madhyam adikari to discriminate. 

Trivikram Maharaj once said Srila Gurudev is uttam bhagavat in comparison to another godbrother of Gurudev who he called him a jitendria-purush, one who won control over his senses. Regarding Srila Gurudev he said uttam bhagavat—and till now he has never come down from that position. Uttam bhagavat sees Supreme Lord in everyone and pays prostrated obeisances to all—dog and dog-eater, brahmana and shudra—to all, indiscriminately he has seen Supreme Lord in their hearts. He has that vision and pays prostrated obeisances to all living entities. That is a symptom of uttam adikari. He will never come down from there. 

When the sole purpose is to serve Supreme Lord, all varieties are possible. Trivikram Maharaj, a disciple of Prabhupada is not an ordinary person, not of this world. He came to our (Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya) math throughout his life. Srila Gurudev took him along on preaching missions and gave him a higher seat everywhere. 

Srila Gurudev was Maryada Purushottam. He upheld all the principles and gave respect to all based on their qualifications. Even he considered if someone is more educated, higher caste, has more wealth, age. This is important for maintaining social order. Whatever he said, he practices. He showed that kind of respect. Material regard is also shown. Always giving respect. 

He has shown one can be an acarya and simultaneously show the lila of uttam adikari. Gurudev will always say, "I am a conditioned soul."  You cannot budge it from there. When he says, there is no point in arguing. He is firmly situated in this. That is his humility. 

—Naveen Krishna Das


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