His Divine Fragrance Spreads Everywhere

Whatever prayers generally were taken to Srila Gurudev, by the power of his omniscience, he would take care of those prayers. Externally he may not have promised as much, but he took care. Gurudev said when flower blossoms, it's fragrance spreads all around. No need to advertise. 

Many devotees would approach Gurudev to say, Gurudev bless me to go on preaching (prachar). Yet, Gurudev said never have this mood of preaching. Perform kirtan bhakti. If you take up a mood of superiority to someone—that you can rescue them, help them, it may lead to your own fall. Repeat what you have heard from Guru varga for your own benefit, not with the mood to rescue anyone. Prachar is to be done in this mood. 

We know that Srila Gurudev always imbibes and practices this. Example is better than precept. He never stopped practicing this, very unique. Until the end, he considered himself like this. Srila Gurudev presents himself and actually believes he's a conditioned soul. Therefore you can't make him speak from a superior perspective. That will never happen. Example is better than precept—he practiced it his whole life.

We heard this about Pujyapad Puri Goswami Maharaj also. Many devotees in the early days from different countries approached him and told him they wanted to preach. He said, what preaching? Do bhajan. Preaching happens automatically when your conduct is ideal. You become an example that others will follow. If your conduct is ideal, others will be automatically inspired seeing your character. If you preach and don't follow it can cause loss of faith. Do kirtan bhakti. 

He would always say, it is the order of my Gurudev to repeat what I have heard. In his later years, even he would refer to the notes he had taken from his Gurudev. He used to write and read from that. He referred to the notes of Param Gurudev very intensely and seriously. That is why he was sometimes called the tape recorder of his Gurudev. This is how a person becomes great. He showed by his example never perform speeches. Repeat what you have heard for your own welfare. He said, "You know why my Gurudev made me president? He knew my heart was so dirty. If I serve all the Vaishnavas, it will help cleanse my heart. It is only by Vaishnava seva it can become clean—whether it is to godbrothers, guru varga, or even his own disciples. That is his darshan. 

When a flower blossoms, the fragrance is spread all over. No advertisement required. It is not always easy to find such flowers. Gurudev has fully blossomed and many were drawn to him.

Naveen Krishna Das (Pune)
spoken June 10, 2017 (transcription)


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