His Spiritual Intelligence

Tamal Prabhu told us an incidence that illustrates the special way that Srila Gurudev applied his intelligence in service even when he was apparently displaying the pastimes of forgetfulness. During that time some observers may have thought that Srila Gurudev was forgetting things and that he is an old person.  Material intelligence is the wrong term, he has nothing material, but still in the material world what we call this intelligence.  For example, we do not want to accept the root cause, we want only symptomatic treatment; therefore, allopathy as more popular than any of the ancient medicines.

So he told us that once he reported to Srila Gurudev that there is a flood in some of the cities of Assam from Brahmaputra river. including Srila Gurudev's janmasthan village, Goalpara. After he reported this, he left Gurudev's room.  After some time, Gurudev rang the bell.  So Tamal Prabhu went inside and then Gurudev spoke to him.  He told, "See, if there is flood in Brahmaputra...so..." I do not remember the sequence, but he went on describing that place will also be flooded, this means that water will go into river Ganga, and from river Ganga that means it will reach Mayapur also. So, he requested, "Call Mayapur math."

Tamal Prabhu called Mayapur math.  As soon as he inquired, they said, "Prabhu, there is a flood in Mayapur now." From giving a clue of Assam, Gurudev immediately deduced there must be a flood in Mayapur also.  So, this is one small example.

Tamal Prabhu added, " I am a young man in early twenties and he is in late eighties.  I am a healthy, strong person, yet I cannot match his energy on any of the parameters whether it is physical strength, whether it is stamina, whether capacity to be alert constantly without losing attention, whether it is power to be awake, not feeling drowsy or not getting tired— I cannot match him on any of the aspects. I am completely devastated when I see him. When I imagine what energy he has, I am just nothing in front of him. That is where I understand that this must be spiritual energy because otherwise, it is not possible for anybody to work 16 hours 18 hours constantly without any tiredness, without any irritation, and giving the best every time."

—Naveen Krishna Das
From a transcription (webcast, June 2017)


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