He Cannot Discard Anything Related to Supreme Lord

One day our Gurumaharaj [Sri Srimad Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj] came to Mayapur. At that time, three of us were staying together in Srivas Angan—Krishna Prasad Das Brahmachari (Ashram Maharaj), a disciple of Bhakti Vilas Tirth Maharaj named Vrindavan Das (Bhagavat Maharaj), and I. Gurumaharaj was going for preaching and called Krishna Prasad Das Brahmachari to tell him that Krishna Ballabh will also stay with us there.

Guru Maharaj instructed me that I should not serve prasad to Krishna Ballabh in pattal (plate made of plant leaves), that he should be served prasad on his steel plate instead. He also said that I should never give him drum-stick in prasad.

I asked Krishna Prasad prabhu, "We all take Prasad on a pattal, why does Gurumaharaj tell us not to give him prasad on pattal?" I could not understand the reason for this. We used leaves from banana trees in Mayapur, so why not serve him prasad on those? I could not understand why not.

Krishna Prasad prabhu explained that if you give him prasad on a pattal, then he will eat the pattal also. He has such a faith in prasad that he cannot even throw the pattal on which he has accepted the prasad. If you give him drum steak, he will eat even the portion which is to be thrown, and he will get an upset stomach. He had such a strong faith in prasad.

Most of us have less pious activities in our account, so we do not have such faith in prasad. While we eat thinking it to be dal, curry, or sweet, but Srila Maharaj has such a faith that how can even I throw the pattal which has got the touch of prasad. He thought it also has become spiritualized, so I will eat that also. How can I throw drum-stick remnants which were offered to the Lord? Such a strong faith he has in mahaprasad.

—Sripad Bhakti Niketan Turyashrami Maharaj

spoken in Bengali, Ram Navami (Vyasa puja) 2018

excerpted and slightly edited from a translation that may be found here: http://bbtirtha.org/library/audio/56
(original Bengali audio also there)


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