His Inner Absorption Reduces External Awareness

His [Srila Gurudev Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj] father’s name was Sri Dhirendra Kumar Guhroy and mother’s name was Sudhanshubala Guhroy. His name, given by his father was Kamakhya Charan Guhroy. The personal associates of Supreme Lord descend in human form to rescue the fallen souls in this world. If they come in the form of any demigod then people will request them to fulfill their material desires only and they will not be able to preach the real message of Supreme Lord. That’s the reason they come in human form. Srila Tirtha Goswami Maharaj also came to deliver the sublime message of devotion to the Lord.

From childhood itself, he was always staying absorbed in trance. We cannot understand that state. Sometimes when his relatives used to tell him, “It’s the time for you to go to school; will you not get ready to go?” Then he would say, “Oh, yes I will.” And he used to go wearing one footwear of someone else’s and one of his! As he was absorbed in the trance always, he did not have any external awareness of his activities.

His brahmachari name was Krishna Ballabh brahmachari. Srila Gurumaharaj gave him a room in the Math at Rasbehari Avenue. There also, he used to stay in trance chanting harinam always. One day Srila Gurumaharaj asked me to call him to write a letter. I went and told, “Krishna Ballabh Prabhu, Gurumaharaj is calling you.” Immediately, he left his harinam and rushed to Gurumaharaj. He did not even think, let me finish my harinam and then I will go—not like that. Immediately he went to Gurumaharaj. Such was his ideal conduct.

He used to live a very simple life always, without thinking about food or anything else. There was one person named Krishna Kinkar Das to whom Gurumaharaj asked to look after his food, bath etc. as he used to be in trance always, without much of external awareness.

I have heard in his school days also he hardly any interest in studying material subject matters. His parents used to force him to give importance to studies and other external things. And he used to go to school to satisfy them. Why? Because he is one amongst the personal associates of the Supreme Lord. They are self-realized. They are not of this world. They come in this world ordered by the Lord to deliver the conditioned souls. They do all other activities like an ordinary person just to pose themselves as normal human beings.

—Sripad Bhakti Niketan Turyashrami Maharaj
spoken in Bengali, Ram Navami (Vyasa puja) 2018

excerpted from here: http://bbtirtha.org/library/audio/56
(original Bengali audio is also there)


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