His Acharya Qualities Were Present Since Childhood

Those persons who advent from the transcendental world to this material world as spiritual preceptors (acaryas) have certain symptoms. We cannot call anyone as Bhagavan (Supreme Lord). There are certain symptoms of the Supreme Lord mentioned in the scriptures. In the same manner, one who is an Acharya will exhibit symptoms from his very childhood.

I heard from Maharaj's younger brother and sister that he was very detached since his childhood. In spite of being good at studies, he never wasted his time. His renunciation was such that he never demanded clothes for himself and was satisfied with whatever was given to him by his father.

When our Guru Maharaj [Sri Srimad Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj] went to preach in Goalpara, he got his audience first at the house of Radha Mohan Prabhu who was the Godbrother of my Gurumaharaj and a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. As an iron gets attracted by a magnet, he got attracted by Guru Maharaj. After seeing him, his detachment towards material things intensified. 

Guru Maharaj dispelled all his doubts by answering his questions and Maharaj realized that this material world is temporary and it is his duty to worship the Supreme Lord by taking shelter to guru-padma (the lotus feet of Guru Maharaj). He decided to renounce this material world and with this intention, he arrived in Kolkata. 

At that time, there used to be no personal servants to any of our godbrothers, but seeing the renunciation of Srila Maharaj, our Guru Maharaj arranged Krishna Kinkar Prabhu, our godbrother, as his personal servant to take care of him. 

Srila Maharaj would honor prasad in the appropriate mood. He would never say “no” for prasad. So he would accept all that is served to him even if it is more. Our Guru Maharaj used to guard him always.

- Srila Bhakti Rakshak Narayan Maharaj


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