He Does Not Respond to Abuse

I heard one incident from Bhagavat Maharaj. Tirtha Maharaj always used to remain absorbed in thoughts of the Supreme Lord. In Tezpur Math, there was a well. The residents of our Math, as well as another family, used to draw water from that.

One day Maharaj was drawing water from the well and water from his bucket accidentally fell in the bucket of a woman belonging to that family. She was an atheist and hostile towards Vaishnavs. She started shouting at Maharaj while speaking abusive words. Guru Maharaj [Sri Srimad Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj] heard this and thought: she is speaking ill to such a person who is a life-long celibate and dedicated. What is his mistake that she is shouting at him?

When Maharaj returned, Guru Maharaj asked: Krishna Ballabh, what happened? Maharaj replied:  Nothing has happened.

So many abusive words were spoken to him, but none of them reached his ears. If someone speaks such ill words to us, we would have counteracted by abusing even their forefathers. This was his behavior even from his childhood. He is not affected at all.

—Param Pujyapad Bhakti Rakshak Narayan Maharaj


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