How Could an Eclipse Be Auspicious?

Once I stayed at Kolkata math during a solar eclipse. The devotees closed all the shutters and there was a five-hour kirtan in the temple hall. 

Prior to my coming from South India, a good friend of mine, a senior devotee from another saṅgha told me over and over again how inauspicious such an eclipse will be and what negative effects it will bring. I always thought, "My Guru Mahārāj never talks about such things." But since I heard it so many times, I got some doubts and desired Śrila Guru Mahārāj's answer.

When I got an opportunity during darśan, I said: "Gurujī, some people say that such an eclipse is inauspicious." Śrila Guru Mahārāj looked at me in utter disbelief about what he had just heard and instantly said, "But it comes from Supreme Lord. How can it be inauspicious?"

I was so happy to hear this; inwardly I laughed and thought that's my Guru Mahārāj—always seeing everything in connection to Supreme Lord.

—Urmila Dasi


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