He Urges Us Not to Waste Our Time Hearing Inferior Opinions

Our Gurudev became an acharya in 1969— for almost 39 years he has been Acharya; such a long period, not even Prabhupad's disciples had been acharyas that long, mostly their acharya service was about 10-20 years. Our Gurudev is like Bhagavan.  Scriptures describe about Bhagavan's amando daya. Upanishads say Bhagavan's mercy is amando; there is nothing manda, diminishing, no decrease, deficit, or inadequacy—no fault in that mercy.  Bhagavan is like that, and all things related to him are sarva akarshit: attracting all, living and non-living.  Bhagavan's name, qualities, form, pastimes are all giving bliss to everyone (sarvananda dayak) and are also all-attracting (sarva-akarshaniya). Our Guruji is also like that. 

In earlier days, we saw our Guruji's smile was like a mirror—so clear and transparent; it would make people forget all their miseries. If they had any questions within their mind, they would get answers in his Harikatha.

You all are our own people because you are surrendered to Gurudev, so I want to speak openly about some things.  In a committee of 12 members, perhaps about 9 were against Gurudev.  I used to speak to Gurudev and ask questions such as:  I find people around me, senior Vaishnavas and devotees speak different things to me, what should I do?  I told Maharaj that to stay in this math is very difficult.  Some say the east direction is good, some say west, some say north and others say south, which direction should I go, how do I know which is best for me?  All are like terrorists.  

Gurudev said:  all are Vaishnavas, so it is good to give them respect.  But this is Gaudiya Hospital. Understand that here all are diseased.  Hearing the words of the diseased,  the disease will not go.  So it becomes your duty, you have come to the doctor so you have to hear his words, follow his words.  Even to date whatever question I had, whatever confusion I had, I used to speak to Gurudev...

Gurudev said:  Why did we leave home and join math?  To do bhajan, to pray to the Supreme Lord to purify us of all dirty things within us, and bring in auspiciousness in us.  Why should we waste our time hearing other's words, by which we may imbibe their defects?  Bhagavan has all good qualities in full, and when we hear, speak or listen to Bhagavan's glories those qualities will come to us. 

—Sri Bhakti Niloy Brihadvrati Maharaj 

Viraha sabha, Bhatinda, Punjab on 4th June 2017 (originally spoken in Hindi)


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