He Offers Pranam Without Hesitation

When we were in St. Francis school, I went with Gurudev to the āśram of Tripurāri Mahārāj. Some sannyāsīs were there from Iskcon and other places. Harikathā was going on, and as soon as Gurudev reached there, he gave daṇḍavat to everyone.

Once in Āgartalā, a disciple of Jayapatākā Mahārāj came. As soon as Gurudev saw him, he came down and payed daṇḍavats to him. He said, you are the disciple of my dear Godbrother, I should pay obeisances to you remembering him.

It is difficult to see senior sannyāsīs bow down and give daṇḍavat to anybody but Gurudev’s humility was always beyond our imagination.

—Hariprasad Das


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