He Explains What Real Service Is

I was a full-time brahmachari traveling with Guru Maharaj for all preaching tours. I once approached Guru Maharaj and asked Him for some special service. Guru Maharaj replied, "Have I not given you service already?" I was puzzled and asked "What Service?" He said, "Harinam is the highest service. So why are you not doing Harinam?"

I told Him that I am already chanting my rounds. Guru Maharaj firmly said, "The way you are chanting now, you will stay here (in material world) for millions and billions of lifetimes" It meant I was not very serious in chanting Harinam.
Further, Gurudev said, "If we are not chanting properly and giving concentration and importance to chanting, then all other services are zero."

—Vrindavan Das, Ukraine

(recollected during a glorification of Srila Gurudev Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj in Zoom session held on 18 April 2020. Transcribed by Damodar Das, Malaysia)


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