He Teaches Us Respect and Gratitude in All Circumstances

Nowadays Prahlad Prabhu is giving class from Sridham Mayapur on Srimad Bhagavatam. During this time, locked down at home, we all are getting highly benefitted. While he speaks harikatha, he gives various examples of Srila Gurudev, Srila Paramgurudev, Srila Prabhupada, and other Guruvargas. The other day Prahlad Prabhu was speaking from the seventh chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam- discussion between avadhut brahmin and King Yadu. The avadhut brahmin was saying to King Yadu how he had accepted and received various instructions from twenty-four different gurus— the earth, the wind, the sky, the water, fire, and so on. While Prahlad Prabhu was discussing what instruction the avadhut brahmin received from the sun, he gave an example of what our Srila Gurudev would say about the sun in Summertime. It immediately reminded me of a very sweet exchange of conversation I had with Srila Gurudev in the Summer of 2012.

Summers are scorching usually in Kolkata during June and July. I was waiting outside for Gurumaharaj to come out in the afternoon. Srila Gurumaharaja came out from his room and went to the balcony to worship Tulasi Devi, and then he came to the room of Paramgurudev. The door was closed, so he paid obeisances to the divine shoes of Paramgurudev which were outside. After that, devotees started paying their obeisances.

In the meantime, Srila Gurumaharaja looked at me and asked: "How are you?" I replied, "Gurumaharaja, it's boiling outside. Even though I am sitting inside, I am sweating. This summer is worst in Kolkata and when I am outside on the road I feel the sun is on the top of my head and it's so hot. I just don’t like summer."

After listening Srila Gurudev spoke to me in a very soft tone. He said, "Oh no, you should not say like this to the Sun. If you say like this Suryadev (Sun-god) he will hear you and feel angry and will give more heat, which will be more unbearable for you. So, you should not say or think like this, but we all should be grateful for what Sun is giving to us."

I was utterly dumbstruck by Srila Gurudev's words. After that, he smiled and went inside his room. This is the nature of a pure devotee. A pure devotee of the Lord sees each and everything so differently and sweetly. It was such a sweet and important message for me from Srila Gurudev.

As summer is now approaching in India so we all can just try to remember this beautiful message of Srila Gurudev and also try not to get agitated by the heat of the sun.

All glories to my Most Revered and lovable Srila Gurudev

I am ever in debt to you for all you gave and still giving to me.

Your unworthy servant,

Sundar Gopal Das (Kolkata)


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