His Divine Arrangements

I remember my first experience organizing and hosting a program for Gurudeva. I booked two rooms in a hotel— one small one for Gurudeva, and another big one to accommodate his entourage of five devotees. I later found that the big room was given for Gurudeva's stay while the others adjusted themselves in the small room. I was worrying if everything would be okay, but Vaishnavas are very easily pleased, even with very little. By Gurudeva's grace, everything went off well and only sweet memories linger on.

Gurudeva and the preaching party had planned to come to Slovenia and stay for a week. All programs and accommodation in the hotel were arranged accordingly. But one night I heard someone calling, "Mataji! Mataji!" from the street in front of my house. I opened the window and saw an unknown Prabhuji who said they came to the program. I told him that the program would not start until the next day. But he told, "Oh Mataji.. Gurudeva wanted to come well in advance and so we are here!"  Then I asked, "Where is Gurudeva?" He then told me he was waiting in the car. I said, "Why didn't you tell me?" and hurriedly dressed up and came out to speak to Gurudev. 

The rooms in the hotel were booked for next night. I didn't know what to do. I asked them to follow me to that hotel to see if there would be any rooms available earlier. Unfortunately, the rooms I had booked were occupied. What happened next was unbelievable. The hotel management asked the people occupying the rooms to leave in the middle of the night! They cleaned it for Gurudev and prabhujis. 

This was my first experience that Gurudev and Vaishnavas are not ordinary persons. It was all arranged by Gurudev's mercy.

—Tungavidya Dasi, Slovenia


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