The Start of His First Preaching Tour in the West

1997 may be remembered in history for a number of reasons, but in the minds and hearts of his devoted disciples, this was the year that most elevated and revered President-Acharya of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, toured the Western Hemisphere for the first time. His Divine Grace Bhakti Sundar Narasingh Maharaj, who had previously visited these unworthy authors at our home in Phoenix, Arizona, USA in the fall of 1995, informed us that Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj was preparing for his first trip outside of India in the near future. Unfortunately, there were some difficulties in obtaining the necessary visas and, as a result of such obstacles, Srila Gurudev’s departure from India was delayed. Eventually, to our surprise and delight, we received a letter in late April of 1997 from Rashbihari das (director of the tour and intimate disciple of His Divine Grace) stating that Srila Gurudev and his entourage would be arriving in the USA within a few short weeks in mid-May. They would first go to Singapore, then spend a week in San Francisco and Northern California, after which they would come to Phoenix.

By Sri Krishna's divine arrangement, we had met His Divine Grace in Kolkata, the day after Radhashtami (Holy Advent Day of Srimati Radharani), in 1981, and had maintained contact with him solely by mail since our return to the United States in December of the same year. Now, as if in a wonderful dream, on May 27, 1997, we found ourselves waiting with other devotees at the arrival gate of Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, experiencing no small degree of eager anticipation and nervousness. It has to be admitted that after sixteen years, it was difficult to remember the sound of Srila Gurudev’s voice or even his precise appearance. Throughout all these years, we had only one photograph of Srila Gurudev, taken in the 1970's, as His Divine Grace was always reluctant to have his photo taken, owing to his deference toward his revered gurudev, His Divine Grace Sri Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj, and his extreme devotional humility. Now, as we saw him coming down the airport ramp, accompanied by Rashbihari das, Bhuta Bhavana das, and Madan Mohan das (exalted devotees, all of them), we could feel the tears welling up in our eyes. At that instant, all were blessed with a glimpse of the meaning of the rasa (spiritual sentiment) of love in separation. We had been immediately attracted to Srila Gurudev’s divine personality upon our first meeting many years ago, and now the reason for that attraction flooded into our hearts. He had the appearance of an otherworldly ambassador who had come to fulfill the divine mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur.
Due to the unavoidable short notice of Srila Gurudev’s upcoming arrival, we did not, unfortunately, have enough time to prepare events of the scale appropriate to Srila Gurudev’s saintly status. Nonetheless, by the grace of the Supreme Lord, programs of varying sizes and ambiances—some in homes, some in halls, etc. were arranged for virtually every day of Srila Gurudev’s ten-day stay in Arizona. Suffice it to say, due to His Divine Grace's inimitable spiritual potency, each of these programs was a great success.
For those readers fortunate enough to have had the opportunity of Srila Gurudev’s personal association, it can be seen that he is extremely gentle and sensitive by nature, especially in intimate situations. However, when delivering lectures, he sometimes enthusiastically displays the power aspect of Krishna's shakti, as his transcendental words flow forth like a volley of brahmastras (powerful weapons referred to in ancient Indian texts) hurled at a spellbound audience to dispel the veil of material illusion. With the exception of a handful of devotees, these audiences were largely people unfamiliar with Krishna Consciousness, who came out of curiosity in response to an article in Phoenix's major newspaper. Many people of varying ages and backgrounds approached Srila Gurudev for darshan before and after every lecture, in a very humble and deferential manner, knowing fully that they had experienced a taste of real spiritual rasa. As the disciples are always pleased when Sri Guru is pleased, we were very much enlivened to see Srila Gurudev’s obvious satisfaction.
Ornamenting the sublime lectures of Srila Gurudeva, the beautiful singing and mridanga (clay double-headed horizontal drum) accompaniment rendered by Bhuta Bhavan das, made all who were present feel as though they were participants in a  divine nam-sankirtan during the time of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. His vast repertoire of Hindi and Bengali bhajans (devotional songs) never failed to create devotionally ecstatic feelings in the hearts of all participants. He is also extremely expert in preparing sumptuous prasadam (remnants of foodstuffs offered to the Supreme Lord), and when he was not leading kirtan, he was in the kitchen, chanting loudly as he tended to numerous preparations. The irrepressible and dedicated Rashbihari das was continuously engaged during all of his waking hours with making all the necessary arrangements for the implementation of these unique spiritual events, and with planning the travel itinerary for Maharaj’s tour across the USA (assuredly no small feat). In fact, there were indeed very few hours for taking rest. He gave us great insight into the activities of Srila Gurudev in India, and shared many wonderful anecdotes with us. Madan Mohan das, a successful businessman in India, who had come from very humble beginnings, was utilizing his God-given wealth in Srila Gurudev’s service by personally financing the entire USA tour. He spent all day performing japa (quiet chanting of the Lord’s Holy Names), when he was not serving Srila Gurudev’s needs directly. These three unique individuals, handpicked by Srila Gurudev to accompany him to this distant place, profoundly influenced our devotional life, and became our dear friends.
On June 1st, His Divine Grace, out of his causeless mercy, performed the harinam initiations of Ananta Krishna das, Sanatan das, and our fourteen-year-old daughter Vrinda-devi dasi. He also mercifully granted diksha to Lalita-devi dasi who had originally taken harinam from Srila Gurudeva in Kolkata in 1981. Srila Gurudev performed puja to His Divine Master, Nityalilapravishta Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Sri Srimad Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj, in the kitchen of our small apartment with great attention and concentration, reciting divinely potent mantras for a long period of time very early in the morning. Srila Gurudev performing puja is very wonderful to behold. While giving japa-mala instructions to the new initiates, Srila Gurudev was equally meticulous and spoke elegantly in a mood of intense spiritual concentration for the benefit of all who were attending the ceremony. Devotees from all over the state of Arizona came to witness the initiations, as well as some traveling devotees from Toronto, Canada. Afterward, the most amazing Ekadashi (day dear to Lord Vishnu) feast was prepared by Bhuta Bhavan das.
—Akincana Das (UK)


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