His Assurance is a Blessing

Once Bindu Madhav Prabhu from France asked Srila Gurudev a question and he told me about it later because he said he was so glad that he asked because of the answer that he got. It is particularly pertinent to foreign devotees.

The question was (I'm paraphrasing): "In the future, the Holy Name will be sung in every town and village. So for future devotees, it will be much easier to practice Krsna consciousness. There will be many temples and maths, devotees can have prasad easily and participate in kirtan. Isn't that unfair? Because for us now it is often very difficult. Many times we are all alone amongst materialistic people, we are struggling alone and sometimes can't even have prasad."

Srila Gurumaharaj answered: "Don't worry. Mahaprabhu will take care of you."

—Urmila Dasi


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