A Pujari in His Gurudev's Bhajan Kutir

I observed how Guru Maharaj behaved with his guruvarga. I could see this particularly when Srila Sant Goswami Maharaj would visit him in Mayapur and also on with Srila Bhakti Sharan Trivikram Maharaj was in Kolkata math.

In 2004 when Srila Gurudev’s Vyasa puja was organized in Kolkata, Srila BS Trivikram Maharaj was present. Only one chair was put on top and they wanted Gurudev to sit there, but he would not. We saw that Gurudev did not sit there. He made Sripad Trivikram Maharaj sit on the chair and he just sat near his feet on the floor. He was not accepting the special seat or anything; he was not ready to accept any respect, even after being in such a highly exalted position. In front of his guruvarga, especially in front of his godbrothers, he would always identify and present himself just as an ordinary disciple of Most Revered Paramgurudev Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj. Paramgurudev recognized his position by saying, I have many disciples, but the one who lives up to my heart’s expectation is Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj. Still, Gurudev himself was always identifying and presenting himself as an insignificant disciple of Paramgurudev all the time.

In about 1999, I got diksha in Vrindavan math. When I went inside the bhajan kutir of Paramgurudev where Srila Gurudev recited diksha mantras. He told us we should give pranams to Paramgurudev. I tried to give pranam to Gurudev, but I could see on his face that he is hesitating and irritated about why we are doing this in front of Paramgurudev. Gurudev indicated  to offer pranams here, (motioning to Paramgurudev’s picture) saying, "He is your Gurudev." Gurudev was inspiring everyone to give pranam to Paramgurudev while appearing in Paramgurudev’s bhajan kutir simply as a pujari doing his service; that is all. When he recited the mantras, we could see his dedication and love for Paramgurudev, how special it was.

—Srila Bhakti Kinkar Damodar Maharaj

Excerpted and transcribed with slight edits from Zoom meeting for singing glories of Srila Gurudev on His 96th Appearance Festival (Zoom), 02 Apr 2020.



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