His Affection Gives Us Inspiration
Once I was sleeping on the terrace of Chandigarh math next to Gauranga Prabhu (Pandeji's son). It was quite cold there and we slept somehow even though all we had was a quilt underneath us and no warm coverings. When I woke up I saw that Gauranga Prabhu was not there, but someone had covered me with a blanket. After maṅgalārati when I went to offer praṇaṁ to Guruji he asked, "Did you feel cold in the night? Then I understood that it was Guruji who had covered me with a blanket. This incidence very much touched my heart and I remember those words of Guruji's very often. About thirty years ago I was back I was in Mayapur for parikramā and I got malaria. So I decided I will go on parikramā the next day and rest, but when Guruji started kīrtans in the morning I put aside my blanket and joined. Though I was following much behind when we reached Nrsimhapalli Jyoti Maharaj started kīrtan and I began jumping. Only by Guruji's mercy, I could ...