His Affection Gives Us Inspiration

Once I was sleeping on the terrace of Chandigarh math next to Gauranga Prabhu (Pandeji's son). It was quite cold there and we slept somehow even though all we had was a quilt underneath us and no warm coverings.  When I woke up I saw that Gauranga Prabhu was not there, but someone had covered me with a blanket.  After maṅgalārati when I went to offer praṇaṁ to Guruji he asked, "Did you feel cold in the night? Then I understood that it was Guruji who had covered me with a blanket.  This incidence very much touched my heart and I remember those words of Guruji's very often.  

About thirty years ago  I was back I was in Mayapur for parikramā and I got malaria. So I decided I will go on parikramā the next day and rest, but when Guruji started kīrtans in the morning I put aside my blanket and joined. Though I was following much behind when we reached Nrsimhapalli Jyoti Maharaj started kīrtan and I began jumping.  Only by Guruji's mercy, I could participate in nṛtya-kīrtan for almost an hour; otherwise, I had absolutely no strength to even walk. That kirtan was transcendental, and I cannot describe the transcendental bliss I experienced while jumping up and down doing kīrtan.  

Ashok Prabhuji spoke about offenses we commit when we chant on mala during kathā, kīrtan and in nagar-saṅkīrtan which he had consulted about with and confirmed with Guruji. I wish to add that we also commit some sort of offense by wrapping the bead bag tight with its handle, hanging the bag on a hook, or hanging it around the neck while honoring prasād.  I am aghast at the way some of my godbrothers handle their japamala, keeping it wherever they please. We have observed how our Guruji would offer a seat to his mala and place it in a proper place with great honor and respect.  It is not an ordinary mala, it is the Lord Himself that Guruji has given us and so we should handle it with great respect. Are we taking this teaching from Guruji?   

Though I was seeing Guruji's conduct, I could not understand him, like Yashoda Mayya and Nanda Baba did not see Krishna as Supreme Lord.  Later I was left regretting. When I remember Guruji I find he is still with me. Because he is there with me, my problems all get solved in a jiffy. Though I think I did these things, it is Guruji who does all things. 

—Sri Rajesh Kumar (Ludhiana)

Excerpt from a transcription-translation from Hindi to English
Listen to original audio on Youtube:  GOKUL INDIA
spoken on 12.4.2020


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