He Attracts All Jīvas

I had read somewhere that the Lord is a magnet and attracts jīvas towards Him, but if there is rust on the iron, the magnet will not attract that iron. But Gurujī is so powerful that he attracts even a rusted iron like me. I could not associate with Gurudev much. Sometimes I feel I am very unfortunate that I took hāriṇam dīkṣā very late and lacked physical association with Gurujī. Still, Gurujī is attracting me, drawing me, and has given me the chance to associate with so many devotees and hear them speak his glories.

I am a dentist by profession. In 2017 my dentistry final exams were commencing and it was a very crucial period for me. Kuldeep Prabhu took all my god-brothers and went for Sri Rāmanavamī and Gurudev's appearance day festival. I was quite depressed that I was not able to go. Later when Gurujī's final illness pastimes were going on, all my god-brothers booked tickets to go with Kuldeep Prabhu by flight, some by train. Even some five high school students readily booked tickets and went by general class without berth. They all ran to Gurujī; by Gurujī's mercy, they got his divine darśan. And I was stuck due to my exams and worldly engagements and was feeling bad. I was checking in daily with Kuldeep Prabhu asking how Gurujī's health is and asking what was happening there. I was feeling so restless. I wanted to give up on exams and go. Even in Chandigarh Maṭh, devotees were sitting in front of Gurujī's bhajan-kuṭir and doing kirtans, always looking at Gurujī's health updates on their mobiles every few seconds.

I slept late one night worrying so much about my misfortune in not being able to go to Gurujī, and early in the morning in our college sent an official message that due to some administrative reasons, the final exams had been rescheduled. As per the revised schedule, I got two days off. I instantly felt this is Gurudev's direct mercy on me. My parents also agreed to my going and I got my flight tickets ready. Chandigarh Maṭh's pūjārī and one mātājī were going with me in the same fight. Our taxi driver got stuck in Delhi traffic. I found both the pūjārī and mātājī were very upset, anxious, and moved to tears and some of their feelings entered into me. It made me feel what a divine personality our Gurujī is. Though late for check-in at the airport, somehow we got into the flight and reached Gurujī. I do not know about other devotees, but Gurujī had made arrangements for most of Chandigarh Maṭh devotees to reach him whether they had physical or financial strength in them or not and received his divine darśan. I felt his real grace on me when I got his darśan.

And now we novice are given such mercy by Gurujī that we may hear more about Gurujī and his divine pastimes from devotees. I was very sad I did have the occasion to receive prasād from Gurujī's hands. This morning Gurujī fulfilled that desire by giving me prasād through Kuldeep Prabhu which he received from Gurujī's hands and preserved. Still, my heart craves for prasād from Gurudev's hands, to receive his blessings, to hear his kirtans and kathās. My eyes desire to see him and everything is getting fulfilled through these Zoom programs. We feel and say this lockdown is enforced to especially give us mercy by giving us time, opportunity, and eagerness to hear this guru-kathā.

—Asīm Krishna Das (Dr. Akshay Thakur), Chandigarh 

GOKUL Zoom guru-kathā, 17.4.2020

Spoken in Hindi, English translation by Rasbihari Prabhu


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