No Sevā is Big or Small—All Are Guru-sevā
When our Tirtha Mahārāj came to the maṭh he engaged in so much harinām that he gave up eating and became mad chanting while shedding tears. Then Gurujī engaged him in sevā and he performed it with such dedication. He underwent so much trouble and attended so many court cases to reclaim Prabhupād's birthplace at Jagannath Purī. When I was in Kolkata I have seen that he went to the kitchen and did all the cooking once when the cook was not available. He also cleaned the cooking pots when the necessity arose. He considered all sevās as guru-sevā , whether it was cleaning the lavatory, doing arcana , preparing roti, or sweeping the floor, all activities are guru-sevā —no sevā is big or small. Without thoughts like this one cannot become guru , one cannot do bhajan . We are narrow-minded, we are not simple-hearted or open-hearted. Only the simple-hearted can understand Mahāprabhu's teachings. With deceitful hearts, we cannot understand. We are just platform speakers, we ...