He Answers All Our Questions

I want to share my story with you about meeting Gurudev. In the East, this law of the universe is well known: "When a student is ready, a teacher comes." And my teacher came for me!

nama om viṣṇu-pādāya śrī gaura-priya mūrtaye 
śrīmate bhakti-vallabha tīrtha gosvāmīn nāmine 
māyāvāda-vikhaṇḍanaṁ gurorvānyānukīrtanaṁ 
paścadeśopadeśakaṁ prasanna-vadanaṁ sadā 
śuddha-bhakti pravāhakaṁ śuddha-bhakti-bhagīrathaṁ 
bhakti-dayita mādhavābhinna-tanuṁ-namāmyaham 
nāma-saṅkīrtanāmṛta rasāsvāda-vidhāyakaṁ 
kṛṣṇāmnāya-kṛpāmūrtim ācāryaṁ-taṁ-namāmyahaṁ 
gaura-nāma pracārārdraṁ bhakta-sevānukānkṣitaṁ
satīrtha-prīti-sad-bhāva naumi tīrtha mahāśayam 

[I offer my most humble and respectful obeisances to Om Viṣṇupāda Śrīla Bhakti Ballabh Tīrtha Gosvāmī Mahārāj, the dearmost of Śrī Gaurāṅga Mahāprabhu. You refute the māyāvāda philosophy through the doctrines of pure devotion. You only recite those divine words heard from your spiritual master and spread them across the globe. Your face constantly shines with a heart-charming pleasant smile. I bow down to you, who let the stream of pure devotion flow constantly. O Bhagīratha (he who brought Gaṅgā to earth) of pure devotion! You are a non-different manifestation of Śrīla Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāj. O Ācārya! I offer my obeisance to you, who through Nāma-saṅkīrtan relish the sweetest transcendental divine mellows personally and grace others to experience such nectar. You are the grace incarnation of the Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa and the revealed scriptures. Your heart overflows with the nectar of divine mellows while chanting and propagating the name of Lord Gaurānga. You always yearn to serve the devotees from the core of your heart. You are endowed with affection for your god-brothers. I bow down to you, O glorious one.]

All my life I have been looking for an answer to the most important questions:

-What is the purpose of my life?

-Is there a God in the world?

-What were we all born for?

-What is the true meaning of being?

Srila Gurudev answered all my questions.

When I became completely entangled in material life, the Lord came to my aid by His Causeless Mercy in the form of his devotee Srila Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Gosvami Maharaja. Srila Gurudev is the most beautiful and merciful person. He's like a father to me. I thank him for everything— for the knowledge I received, and for all the devotees from whom I learned more about his wonderful qualities, such as humility, mercy, meekness, truthfulness, friendliness, compassion, and purity.

In the summer of 2016, I went to a festival for the first time and received initiation for which I am eternally grateful. It was conducted by Gurudev's close disciple Madhusudan Maharaj. At this festival, he told us amazing stories from Gurudev's life, and they touched my heart very much at that moment. Gurudev completely and forever changed my heart. My life was filled with meaning and understanding, harmony, tranquility, joy, and love.

On this beautiful day, I offer my innumerable and humble obeisances to my Gracious Gurudeva Srila Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Goswami Maharaj. Sri Sri Radha Krishna ki Jai! Jai Gurudev!

—Vijaya dasi, Russia


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