Worship Now! We May Not Get Another Human Birth

These days, after his daily Tulasi-parikrama, Srila Gurudeva often tells visiting devotees that this human birth is very rare - it is not sure that we will again get it. Therefore we should worship the Supreme Lord NOW without delay and attain the Lord's full mercy. 

I can still hear it ring in my ears, his powerful "Now, now, now!"

Guru Maharaja sometimes recounted the following incident that shows that the soul does not die at death and that if the soul does not attain the spiritual realm, he or she reincarnates according to past deeds, even in other species. The people mentioned are known to him, and the story was published in the local press.
“More than thirty years ago, in Goalpara, a town in Assam, India, a poor man was in need of a large sum of money for the marriage of his daughter. As he saw no other way, he went to a rich landlord and asked him for financial help. The landlord was happy to receive him and at once gave him the big sum of money that he required. The landlord knew that the poor man would not be able to repay the money and said that he need not return it. Nevertheless, the poor man promised that he will repay him. 

Ten years after his daughter’s marriage, the poor man died. He had never mentioned to anybody that he got the dowry from the landlord, nor did the landlord ever mention it to anyone. After another five years, the late poor man’s son had earned a lot of money. One day he had a dream, in which his father approached him for help: ‘You must save me, please! I borrowed money from the landlord without returning it and have thus taken birth in his house as a dog. Now you have earned money, please pay back the exact sum – then I will be freed from this terrible condition!’ 

The son was very much perturbed and told the story to his mother. She sent him to the said landlord. The son asked the landlord whether his father had ever borrowed money from him, but the landlord humbly denied it. ‘Is there a dog in your house?’, he then asked the landlord. The landlord called his dog. When the dog saw ‘his’ son, he came running happily, and tears started to pour out of his eyes. The landlord was surprised to see this because usually, the dog barks at an unknown person. 

The poor man’s son then spoke strongly to the landlord: ‘Listen, I know that my father received money from you. I appreciate your kindness, but it is a very urgent matter that I must pay back the exact sum to you – I have come for this purpose only!’ The landlord then accepted the same sum of money. When the poor man’s son returned home, the dog followed him, although he had never gone away from his master before. The landlord called him back repeatedly, but the dog did not return. 

After the dog had arrived at his former home, his ‘former wife’ bathed him with great affection. She then cooked his favorite meal and served it to him on the best plate. The whole family took their meal together. That night, the dog passed away.”

"Now, now, now!"

—Radhamadhav Das


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