A Priya-śiṣya Desires That Gurudeva Should Be Before Their Eyes Always

Āśraya loiyā bhaje kṛṣṇa tāre nāhi tyāje

[One who executes devotional service, taking shelter of bona fide spiritual master, Kṛṣṇa will never give him up. He will accept him.]

—Śrī Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura

One should perform devotional practices by taking complete shelter of the lotus feet of sad-guru. Complete means in all respects, not just by taking dīkṣā

As one guru and śiṣya story goes: Gurudeva likes one disciple more than anyone else, talks to him more, only calls him for work, help, etc., and others question their Gurudeva as to why this is. Gurudeva says, "Fine!  We will hold a discussion about this tomorrow.” Gurudeva gives everyone one coconut each and asks them to cut it where no one can see them and then bring it back to him. All come with the cut coconuts but the priya-śiṣya does not come and other disciples become curious as to why he did not turn up.  He comes in the evening.  Seeing him Gurudeva scolds him, “Why are you so late, all others have come early morning.”   Then the śiṣya explains,” I searched many places looking for a place free of anyone, but I could find such a place anywhere. I am useless, I am not able to do your work.”

Śiṣya sees guru in every place, everywhere.  That is why Gurudeva loves him.  So Param Gurudeva loves Gurudeva more than anyone else.  He desires that Gurudeva should be before his eyes always. Why?  Because he has taken shelter of Gurudeva fully, samyak rupa se. Anywhere he goes, he speaks about his Gurudeva only— anywhere and everywhere.  Kṛṣṇa Prasād Brahmacārī, later Śrīla Keśava Mahārāja (Śrīla Prabhupāda's disciple) said, “Your Gurudeva is Mādhava Mahārāji's tape recorder.  His kirtans and talks all are just like Mādhava Mahārāja's.'

—Śrīla Bhakti Kushal Padmanabh Mahārāj

Translated to English from his talk on 6.10.13 in Mathura



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