He Reflects the Highest Standard of Guru-Bhakti

Today on the disappearance day of our Gurudev [Śrīmad Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja] we had the puṣpa samādhi of Tirtha Mahārāj and our Most Revered Gurudev and I am extremely happy about that. I have thought about all the disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda that have their puṣpa samādhis in Vṛndāvan at Śrī Rādhā Dāmodara Mandir. So I am extremely thankful that Muni Mahārāj has helped fulfill this desire in my heart. When Muni Mahārāj invited me, I thought, why will I not go? I will certainly go! Although there was a program arranged in Sarbhog maṭha where I stay, I left it because I had so much enthusiasm to come here. 

I was nineteen years old when I came to see our Gurudev, Śrīmad Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja. I had heard hari-kathā from both Pūjyapāda Yāyāvara Gosvāmī Mahārāj and Śrīla Gurudev, then I had a vision of Śrīla Gurudev in my dream. Immediately after that, I was feeling restless, I wanted to stay with him, and then I decided I will not stay home anymore. 

At that time, I got a letter from Gurujī through Śrīla Tirtha Mahārāj. Although the letter was written by Śrīla Tirtha Mahārāj, it was actually our Gurudev who made him write that letter. I came to the maṭha after going through this letter.

When Gurudev saw me he told me, "Eh child, you cannot perform bhajan, take prasād and go away." Again after some time he came to me and said, "You still did not go?" 

I told Gurudev, "I have come to your feet.  I do not want to go now.  

Then Gurudev said, Your house is close by. If your parents come and take you away, what will you do? 

I said, "No, no... I will live in a secluded place, I will not go, I will hide somewhere." 

Gurudev asked, "Oh, will you not do service?"  I then understood that Gurudev wants to keep me in the maṭha.  

He then asked me, "Did you come by yourself or did someone send you?" 

I explained, "I came by myself." Then Gurudev replied, "You came by yourself. You have come by your own wish, so nobody can take you away. I will see who can take you away from the maṭha without your wish." 

So Mādana Prabhu was Gurudev's servant at that time. Gurudev told him to bring that register where the list of those who sought harināma and dīkṣā are written. When Mādana Prabhu brought the register he wrote my name in the register and gave me harināma. He has showered so much love on me.  

Once when another brahmacārī had beaten me and I was crying, Guru Mahārāj saw me. He called me and asked, "Eh, why are you crying?" He put his hands on my head and told me, "Don't cry, don't cry." Like this—so much love.  

So now I see that through Muni Mahārāj Guru Mahārāj had asked me to come here. I see there is no difference between Tirtha Mahārāj and our Gurudev.  There are so many other things like, how much love our Gurudev had towards all his god-brothers.  You have all just heard that even the seniors of our Gurudev adored him so much.  

Our Gurudev used to advise so many disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda. Our Gurudev was so broad-minded and open-hearted that he invited all of those who have gone outside the maṭha after Śrīla Prabhupāda's departure. He said, "I want them to stay in the maṭha and I will serve all of them." Such was his broad-mindedness. So the love he had for his god-brothers is of such a high standard. 

—Śrīla Bhakti Prasād Paryaṭaka Mahārāj 

Spoken in Bengali, translated to English

March 7, 2019



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