“Daṇḍa Is My Gurudeva and I Shall Go With My Gurudeva Everywhere”

Once Gurudeva asked me, "When you go to offices for appointments, do you carry your daṇḍa?" I told him, "Guru Mahārāja, I do not want to disrespect the daṇḍa. I do not know whether they will honor my daṇḍa or not and if I carry it simply without any reason they may disrespect it." 

Guru Mahārāja said, "I never went anywhere without taking my daṇḍa. That is his firm faith. If we are to remember this, that in itself is a great thing. Without daṇḍa Gurudeva did not even go to court; he took his daṇḍa there, too. 

He explained to astonished listeners that "Daṇḍa is my Gurudeva and I shall go with my Gurudev everywhere." Such was his sublime thinking. We cannot even imagine such a thing like Gurujī carrying his daṇḍa while standing in the bus while traveling. By serving the daṇḍa so much, Gurujī's hand had stiffened and he had to strain so much to straighten it during his sickness pastimes. He had never touched his daṇḍa to the floor anytime considering it to represent his Gurudev. 

While sitting, he would hold the daṇḍa supporting it from below with the palm of his hand. You try to imagine Gurudeva going to court with daṇḍa, sitting there or standing there in a queue with the daṇḍa in hand all through the years while serving to recover Śrīla Prabhupāda's birth site. What a situation it could be, it is just beyond our imagination. 

—Śrīla Bhakti Prasun Madhusūdana Mahārāja

Spoken in Hindi, translated to English. Source: Facebook live. TIRTHA - Glorification of Śrīla Gurudeva - Part 1 || 16 Apr 2020 ||


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