He Explains the Cause of Offense

I remember an unfortunate incident that happened in Kolkata maṭha. Due to a pūjārī's negligence, there was apparently damage to Śrīmati Rādhārāṇī's vigraha.  When the news reached Gurudeva, he displayed a mood that due to his offence, the deity has left us. He never told the pūjārī that you should not have done like this or that.  

As I recall, at that time Śrīla Padmanabha Mahārāja was there and he asked Guru Mahārāja to please explain what could be the offense that caused this. Then Guru Mahārāja pointed out that where devotees throw uchishta plates after eating prasādam. It could be seen that in the very place were Ṭhākurjī's prasādam remnants like flower garlands and tulasī were discarded. 

He explained that Rādhārāṇī thought that Tulasijī is disrespected here, so she will not stay in this place. "Tulasījī is part and parcel of Śrīmati Rādhārāṇī and if you start throwing them there, how long will Tulasījī tolerate this?"

From then on they started separating the flower and tulasī remnants.  

—Śrīla Bhakti Prasun Madhusūdana Mahārāja

Spoken in Hindi, translated to English

Source: Facebook live, TIRTHA channel, April 18, 2020


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