His Nāma-saṅkīrtana Illuminates the Atmosphere

One time in 1996 or 1997 I was in India and there was an Annual Function in Ludhiana and pāda-yatra (nagara-saṅkīrtana). We went there by bus and at that time it was very hot there. The temperature was around 45 degrees; it was in the middle of April.

 I had not taken initiation yet and I had just begun associating with devotees. We reached Ludhiana at 12 o’clock when the sun was at its peak and the ground was just melting. Everyone was thinking how we can walk without shoes?

When we entered the temple, Mahārāja came with Trivikrama Mahārāja and other sannyāsīs and brahmacārīs. Mahārāja started maṅgalācaraṇa and performed kirtana: ‘Śrī kṛṣṇa caitanya prabhu, dayā koro more…’

As soon as Mahārāja came out of the temple and started singing "Jai dau, Jai dau" and before kirtana started, something happened that we can’t imagine. The clouds and heavy winds came and there was cooling there throughout the atmosphere.

As we entered the main bazaar of Ludhiana, the halwais (sweet shop owners) started distributing sweets and the flower men started throwing (strewing) flowers. I have never seen this very nice wild mood; it totally changed the atmosphere. I saw it and exclaimed, "Wow! How can this happen?"

This very nice experience was Mahārāja’s special mercy. He knows what is there in everybody’s heart.

—Madhusudana Dasa

13th August, 2023 


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