The Glories of His Books
Most merciful Gurudeva attracted me to his transcendental personality through his books. The first of his books that I read was Harikathā and Vaiṣṇava Aparādha, and such was the impact of his words on my heart that I decided to take shelter of his lotus feet without even personally meeting him. Later I came to know that Guru Mahārāja had withdrawn from the external world and was no longer communicating through spoken words. I only had the first darśana of Gurudeva at his bhajana kuṭīra in Kolkata during my harināma initiation. Even though I never had personal communication with Gurudeva, he continues to instruct me through his vāṇī . After his departure from the manifest pastimes, I could sustain and relish my relationship with Gurudeva through connection with his vāṇī . So I always nurture my relationship with Gurudeva through his vāṇī . I always had the impetus to distribute his books primarily as a means to water the seed of bhakti sown by Gurudeva in my heart. We have many of...