
Showing posts from October, 2016

His Sweet Surprises During Kartik at Ludhiana, 2010

By causeless mercy of Our Most Revered Srila Gurudev, the Kartik-Vrat at Ludhiana started yesterday. To our surprise, only shortly after our arrival, Srila Gurudev suddenly joined evening Harikatha and spoke for more than an hour, during which He gave an introduction to Gajendra-Moksha dialogue in the 8th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Gurudev expressed His desire to participate in the Nagar sankirtan this morning. He woke up and got ready when we entered His room and said that He wants to join the Nagar sankirtan for a very small distance. Devotees could not control their emotions when they heard this and became blissful. Pujyapad Madhusudan Maharaj lead the kirtan with "Jai dau Jai dau" while Srila Gurudev lead the devotees for about 50 m distance. Later, devotees danced in front of Srila Gurudev and proceeded further, while Srila Gurudev went back to His room. Another surprise came with Srila Gurudev's arrival at the house of Sri Anil Dave Prabhu, where Nagar ...

His Soothing Effulgence

One time I came to Chandigarh to meet Guru Mahārāja right after Kārtika. His sevāks said, “No, actually, Guru Mahārāja is tired now. Kārtika is finished, so there is no more darśana.” But then they said, “No, no, okay, come. Guru Mahārāja’s darśana is open.”  When they opened the door, the whole room was so bright and effulgent and Guru Mahārāja was sitting there with a smile on his face. And I was so happy, so relieved to see him; it was like a shower of relief after burning in the sun of the West.  I sat at his lotus feet and I said, “Guru Mahārāja, I feel so lonely, you’re so far away, I don’t have your association.”  Guru Mahārāja looked a little confused. He looked at me and said, “You are never alone. Kṛṣṇa is always in your heart.”  I said, “But Guru Mahārāja, I feel so far away, please give me your blessings.”  And Guru Mahārāja said so humbly, “Okay, I will pray to Guru-varga for you.”  He is never taking the position of guru, always the position o...

His Preaching is Non-different from His Conduct

The Founder Ācārya of Gopīnātha Gauḍīya Maṭha, Śrīla Bhakti Pramode Puri Gosvāmī Mahārāja, who is considered an outstanding personality of this world once commented, “All the Gauḍīya-vaiṣṇavas, sannyāsīs, and saints are parts of my body, but Śrīmad Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Mahārāja is the core of my heart.” We are compelled to think about how he has won the heart of this ideal personality. It is due to his dedicated service attitude since his early life.  Gurujī gives emphasis to practice the instructions of the scriptures before preaching to others. He says, "Don’t follow me, follow my lecture only" is only applicable in the field of politics. Regarding preaching of dharma, he would say that our words will become impactful only to the extent that we follow them in our own lives. Preaching without conduct is lifeless. It will only be entertainment and no one will be benefitted from it. —Śrī Bhakti Vibudha Muni Mahārāja (2015) Srila Gurudeva receiving blessings of Srila ...