His Divine Anger

One time Guru Mahārāja (Śrīla Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja), Gaurāṅga Prabhu, and Tīrtha Mahārāja visited the appearance place of Śrīla Prabhupāda in Puri-dhāma to pay obeisances. Suresh Prabhu and I were also present then. All of us took darśana, paid obeisances, and were about to leave.

There was a tenant named Nārāyaṇa Sahu who occupied 3-4 rooms upstairs. He used to sell pakoras (a type of fried food) that contained onion. In order to insult Guru Mahārāja, he began to plead with him in Oriya language to accept pakoras from a poor man like him.

Guru Mahārāja smiled and said, “Nārāyaṇa Sahu knows very well that we don’t eat onions so we can’t accept it.”

But Nārāyaṇa Sahu continued to plead. When he repeated the third time, Śrīla Tīrtha Mahārāja got very angry and his eyes became wide and turned fiery. He shrieked and chided that person. Whosoever was present got scared on seeing his fearful form and foam was coming out from his mouth on both sides. His entire form became fearful like an angry Rudra (Lord Śiva). Guru Mahārāja calmed him down. 

—Śrī Bhakti Prasad Bhikṣu Mahārāja


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