His Meeting with a Catholic Priest in London

On the morning of Monday, June 26, 2002, Śrīla Bhakti Ballabha Tīrtha Gosvāmī Mahārāja had a meeting with Father Alfred Agius, a Catholic (Jesuit) priest, who served as head of the Westminster Interfaith group which encompassed greater London. This meeting was intimate, with only Mahārāja, Father Agius, and a few other devotees present.

After exchanging introductions, Father Agius showed the devotees a number of nice publications he had assembled for the Westminster Interfaith group, demonstrating his sincere dedication to presenting religious perspectives from various faiths. After perusing these materials for some time, Mahārāja engaged in conversation with Father Agius. 

He explained the vital difference between the idea of the modern caste system, which is based on birth, and the varṇāśrama system, which is based upon the character of a person. He showed how the varṇāśrama system is a natural thing. 

He said, "If someone has the tendency to worship and study scripture, he is a brahmana; if he has the tendency to rule, then he is a ksatriya. It does not matter if you use a different word in your own language. The word is not important, but the concept is universal." Father Agius agreed wholeheartedly with this explanation.

Father Agius and the other devotees also listened most attentively as Mahārāja went on to describe the nature of the atma (soul) and how it differed from the body. Everyone was quiet for a few moments as Mahārāja continued to gaze straight ahead as if he were looking at his beloved Gurudeva. 

After this silence, Father Agius finally said, "Well, I have to thank you so much for that beautiful explanation of...of...well—reality!" 

Mahārāja then mentioned to Father Agius that he had been to the Vatican on a previous European preaching tour. He described how he found it odd that the devotees there did not take off their shoes before they entered sacred places. 

"Perhaps it is because it is a cold climate?" Mahārāja offered. "Then perhaps, when it is warm weather, they might be encouraged to take off their shoes?" 

Father Agius smiled at this, understanding the point.

Mahārāja then went on to describe his impressions when he had viewed the “Pieta” of Michelangelo. The “Pieta” is a marble sculpture of the body of Jesus lying in the arms of His mother Mary after His crucifixion.

Mahārāja said, with extreme emphasis, "When I saw this statue, frankly I was shocked!"

"Shocked?" we asked.

"Yes! I was so shocked to see how Jesus died! And for the sake of the living beings!" 

Mahārāja's face showed genuine compassion when he spoke about this. Father Agius seemed clearly touched by the experience of that meeting with Śrīla Tīrtha Mahārāja.

—Akiñcana Dāsa, UK


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