His Expertise in Service to the Vaishnavas

One time we went for preaching in Assam. There was one disciple of Prabhupada, Madhavananada Vrajavasi, along with Krishnaballabh Brahmachari, myself, Narottam Das, and another one younger than us named Kanai Bramhachari.

We were in Sarbhog for preaching and there was heavy rain for five days and no sun was seen at all, so we were unable to go out. Krishnaballabh Brahmachari (later Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj) used to cook for the devotees over there. Everybody used to like his cooking. That day he cooked something delicious with potatoes only. It was raining heavily, so we could not go outside to purchase vegetables. There were only potatoes in the math.

He was expert, because the qualities of Vaishnavas is they are expert in anything and everything— whatever is related to the service of Vaishnavs. So he was expert in so many different ways to serve the lotus feet of Vaishnavas.

He was very grave in hearing Harikatha and speaking srauta vani and always engaged himself in serving the Vaishnavas, but at the same time, he was rasika (humorous) which means a person who is always immersed in rasa.

—Param Pujyapad Srila Bhakti Vigyan Bharati Maharaj

spoken at Srila Gurudeva's 2015 Vyasa puja 


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