Receiving His Darshan Internally
Is Gurudeva's darshan possible on internet? Gurudeva also used to tell no to photos. By only seeing a photo of the body, will it serve any purpose? Puri Goswami Maharaj said: what is the use of tape recording? Tape record here (pointing to the heart.) There cannot be any attachments to those who had darshan of Guru, Vaishnav, and Bhagavan. Guru is the mercy embodiment of Bhagavan, so to have the darshan of Guru we need internal eyes, eyes with which we can have darshan of Bhagavan. Gurudeva's katha itself is Gurudeva. Inside katha, he is there! Bhagavan's katha itself is Bhagavan, so Gurudeva says, give your ears and hear katha, through ears you have darshan, not by eyes. Sri Rupa Goswami said: a tah Sri Krishna namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaiah ... We have heard Sakshi Gopal's story... do we see Him so? Is Gurudeva's photo and Internet darshan not the same? What is not an object of material senses, can you see with your material eyes? Without his darshan, do ...