He Awakens Bhakti Immediately
I had been living for some years in a Vaisnava-ashram in Switzerland that was very high in the mountains. This place where devotees lived and practiced together was called Ananda dham. While I was practicing there, I met many sadhus, but none of them called my heart. For over one year I prayed: “Oh Krishna, how can I choose a Guru? Would I choose him because he looks like a father, or because he's there in a nice community around I feel well with? I understood when I prayed that I cannot see see what is best for me, so when I prayed I asked it to be revealed to me who is the best guru for me. I really thought only Krishna can choose him, not me. Someone asked me to follow his Gurudev so I tried to find out if this was the right guru for me, but my heart didn’t have any reaction and I didn’t accept. I kept on praying. Suddenly I got an email from Arjuna Prabhu from Holland, who had been in the sevak team of Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Maharaj in his...