He is Antaryami
There are infinite glories of Srila Gurudev. There a shlok: “sakshad haritvena samasta-shastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhihi" It means that Guruji is nondifferent from God. Guru is Ashray Vigrah, Lord is Vishay Vigrah. [Supreme Lord is the enjoyer principle, jivas are the enjoyed]. The scriptures give indications and describe the Supreme Lord's appearance. If we join those together, we can get some mental pictures of what the Lord looks like, even though the real vision of that is unavailable to material eyes. However, when we could see Gurudev, even our material eyes could be used for seeing his divine form. He is so merciful he even lets those with material vision see him. Gurudev is an actual vigrah of God. He rectifies us and helps us incorporate improvements. A long time ago I'd been on Punjab prachar and I got an opportunity to learn from Gurudev in Ludhiana, where I received his shiksha. Gurudev has so much forbearance— we cannot imagine! I saw it during Vais...