He Doesn't See Faults
I met Gurudev in 1999 in Phoenix, Arizona [USA]. I was already a diksa initiated disciple of HH Romapada Swami of ISKCON. While living in Pheonix, I met Akincana Prabhu and his wife and they introduced me to Guru Maharaj when he was visiting in July 1999. I attended meetings and programs with Gurudev and then Gurudev and his servants left Pheonix. By the end of 1999, we moved to Boston, Massachusetts. Initially, I was not so much affected by Gurudev's association, rather it came gradually later on. Every month that passed, my affection for Srila Gurudev was growing and growing. At one point I called my disksa guru Romapada Swami and told him I have so much love for Gurudev. I didn't know if I should leave and ask Gurudev for siksa and diksa initiation or not. Romapada Swami told me there's nothing wrong with getting siksa from anyone outside of ISKCON, but asked me to not commit any offenses to AC Bhaktivedanta Swami by criticizing ISKCON to others. That as never my ...