His Pastimes Have No End

One time during one of the internet webcast darshans, Dinabandhu Prabhu was doing Mahamantra kirtan and many of our god-brothers were there. All were very enlivened, and I was watching from my home and I was also feeling enlivened. Then I started regretting, thinking, why will this have to finish? While I was regretting, I got a message from Gurudev from within my heart that said, no, why should we finish? This will never finish. I am eternal, all these god-brothers are eternal, all our relationships are eternal. Vrindavan is eternal, so if you want to serve, this will always go on. This transcendental realm will always go on.
Such revelation and encouragement I got from Gurudeva at that time. And there are so many other instances; there is unlimited Guru-katha.
—Madan Gopal Das, Slovenia